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How to use the Frost Proof Yard Hydrant properly.

부동전의 원리와 밸브 사용방법


The frost proof yard hydrant (the FPYH) is used in various places that need waters supply, e.g. houses, commercial buildings, parks. It prevents freezing in winter seasons and has two handles at the top, one for the hydrant valve that open and close the drain hole and the other for the tap to run or to stop water. In winter, as illustrated on the second picture, the opened hydrant valve and the closed tap allows water on the top of the hydrant, at ground level, to run down the drain hole, leaving no water to freeze inside the hydrant.

Why would the FPYH break down often?

The FPYH breaks down often due to the product itself or changes in the external environment of which requires replacement.

The reasons are as below:

The image shows draining of residual when the valve is locked in the winter.

1. Rubber packing is used inside the FPYH to act as a watertight seal. This rubber packing is likely to be damage (after many years of usage) due to its material properties.

2. When installing the product, gravel and sand should be used to ensure smooth drainage and backflow of mud near the drainage area. If this precondition is overlooked and filled with soil roughly, contaminated water may flow back into the product and soil particles may enter the watertight packing gap.

3. The environment may change due to external work (repair or replacement of water supply pipes) in the vicinity of the installation where the product is installed, and sand particles or other foreign matter may get caught and damage the watertight packing.

※ Such damage in rubber packing causes failure in closing the drain hole that eventually leads to constant leakage. (overcharged water bill, damaged surrounding grounds)

부동전 회전력 전달 문제

Moreover, commonly distributed hydrant in the market is manufactured in a structure that the rotational force of the upper handle is inevitably transmitted to the underground. If power is transferred to the water pipe connection for a long period of time, loosened connecting parts may also cause leakage.

Problems caused by the hydrant malfunction

Besides leaking, product malfunction causes another problem of having to dig up the ground for reconstruction. If high-priced tiles are installed around the FPYH (in addition to the concrete work), all of these will be at extra cost.

To solve these problems, Mirae Industry has launched three products as below:

designed with a grooved surface to prevent rotational force being conveyed to the underground.

that prepares in advance for convenient replacement in case of product malfunction.

3. Insulated yard hydrant

that uses a thermal insulation system, excluding the entire drainage method.

Click on each product name to go to product details.

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